10-Week Liberation



From Relationship Struggles to Personal Power

Discover the Power Within: Rebirthing Breathwork Unlocks Your Inner Strength, Turning Life's Challenges into Opportunities for Growth and Empowerment.

Who I Am and What I Do

My name is Velta Rēdliha,

a seasoned Rebirthing Breathwork facilitator with a passion for guiding individuals on their journey to healing and self-discovery.

With years of experience working with people from diverse backgrounds around the world, both in individual and group settings, I have witnessed the transformative power of breathwork firsthand.

As a facilitator, I see myself as more than just a guide.

I am the sun that illuminates your path, allowing you to explore your shadows, overcome obstacles, and ultimately find happiness, success, and unity within yourself.

My mission is to create a safe and nurturing space where you can embark on a profound inner journey, unlock your true potential, and experience the profound healing that comes from within.


When you break free from a damaging relationship, you understand the necessity of change to prevent feeling even worse. You might begin to dislike yourself, lose touch with your identity, and feel like a shadow of your former self.


Healing involves dismantling the mental constructs that serve only to rationalize past experiences. It entails addressing the subconscious, which comprises 95% of our reality, often operating unnoticed. If you've been living in a constant state of fight, flight, freeze, or feint, it's crucial to pause and focus on healing.


Confidence becomes your constant companion as you navigate life's twists and turns with grace and resilience. Relationships deepen, creativity flourishes, and opportunities abound.

Thriving isn't just about achieving success; it's about living fully and authentically, in alignment with your truest self.

Awaken. Heal. Thrive.

Welcome to our 10-week journey of renewal and empowerment. Through the transformative practice of Rebirthing Breathwork, we'll navigate the complexities of past and existing relationships, turning them into drivers for personal growth. This is an individual journey, tailored to your unique path of self-discovery and empowerment.

Who is this 10 weeks journey for?

  • This journey is for you if you find yourself unable to let go and don't know how to break free from the rabbit hole.

  • It's also for you if you feel lost, unsure of your next steps in life, and disconnected from your body without understanding why.

  • It is for you if you want break some of the deeply rooted mental beliefs, which no longer serve you.

  • If you struggle with destructive emotions, lack motivation and discipline, or simply seek a deeper understanding of yourself, you've come to the right place.

  • This journey is also for you if you have been in a narcissistic relationship where you have reached a state of confusion about your wants, needs, and the purpose of your life.

Together, we'll embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and empowerment.

What kind of support can you expect during this program?

  • Throughout this program, you will receive personalized support through online 1 : 1 sessions in a private setting.
  • I will be with you during entire journey and provide support in between sessions if needed.
  • I will guide you through the struggles and emotional periods that may arise, providing support through both voice and written messages for any questions or concerns that come up during the 10-week journey.
  • Having gone through this process myself, I know how important and transformative the feeling of not being alone can be. And I will ensure that for you.
  • I will provide you with real advice and practical strategies to help you overcome self-doubt and become your true self in your daily life.

How we will

do that?

Each week, we'll dive deep into different themes, using breathwork as your guiding tool to unlock your true potential and cultivate inner resilience.

Themes for each

of the 10 breathing


Depending on your needs, the session themes can be adjusted and varied accordingly.

Session 1

Grounding and Awareness

- Starting position

- Establishing a foundation for healing

- Connecting with the present moment

- Cultivating self-awareness and mindfulness

Session 2

Releasing Shame and Guilt

- Acknowledging and releasing feelings of shame and guilt

- Letting go of self-blame and self-criticism

- Cultivating self-compassion and self-forgiveness

Setting Boundaries

- Identifying and setting healthy boundaries

- Asserting boundaries with confidence and clarity

- Strengthening boundaries in relationships

Session 3

Healing Emotional Wounds

- Processing and releasing pent-up emotions

- Nurturing emotional well-being and resilience

- Cultivating inner peace and emotional balance

Session 4

Session 5

Reclaiming Personal Power

- Identifying sources of personal power

- Asserting control and independence

- Cultivating self-empowerment and assertiveness

Session 6

Cultivating Self-Love and Self-Worth

- Fostering self-love and self-compassion

- Recognizing and honoring self-worth

- Embracing inner beauty and authenticity

Session 7

Letting Go of Toxic Attachments

- Releasing attachments to past relationships

- Detaching from toxic patterns and dynamics

- Embracing freedom and liberation

Session 8

Empowering Inner Strength

- Cultivating resilience and inner strength

- Tapping into innate resources and abilities

- Building confidence and courage

Session 9

Embracing Growth and Transformation

- Embracing the journey of growth and transformation

- Recognizing progress and accomplishments

- Cultivating a mindset of resilience and optimism

Visioning Your Radiant Future

- Envisioning a future filled with joy and fulfillment

- Setting intentions for positive growth and change

- Stepping into your power and potential for a radiant future

Session 10

What happens in RE - BIRTHING breathwork session?

The only thing you need to do is to breath. I guide you on how fast, deep to breathe, ensuring that you feel safe and relaxed.

What unfolds

during a Rebirthing

breathwork session?

  • A session is around 45 min.
  • While breathing you start to feel your body more intensely. The feeling is amazing, as the energy starts to flow.
  • By listening and feeling your body your subconscious mind point out where is the blocked energy hidden.
  • I guide you throught the feelings and emotions you might experiance during the session.
  • You release blocked energy by breathing and transforming emotions from destructive to positive.

How worthy

am I to

help myself?

How much are you willing to invest in your personal transformation and healing journey?


10-week awakening, healing, thriving journey

777 EUR / 1400 NZD

10 weeks journey with 10 individual breathing sessions

Payment can be made in up to 3 installments.

benefits, outcomes

  • Gain Greater Self-Awareness:

Understand why you react the way you do in different situations. This means you'll be better equipped to handle stress and make decisions that align with your values.

  • Experience Emotional Healing:

Let go of past hurts and find peace within yourself. Imagine feeling lighter and more at ease, free from the emotional burdens that have been weighing you down.

  • Improve Your Relationships:

Learn to set healthy boundaries and communicate effectively with others. This will lead to stronger, more fulfilling connections with friends, family, and partners.

  • Boost Your Confidence:

Tap into your inner strength and feel more empowered in every aspect of your life. Picture yourself speaking up confidently in meetings, pursuing your goals with conviction, and embracing new opportunities fearlessly.

what more i will get after 10 weeks jorney ....

  • Find Clarity and Direction:

Get clear on what you want out of life and take actionable steps towards achieving your goals. Imagine waking up each day with a sense of purpose and direction, knowing exactly where you're headed.

  • Break Free from Past Baggage:

Let go of toxic patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back. Picture yourself stepping into a new chapter of your life, free from the limitations of your past.

  • Build Resilience:

Develop the inner strength to bounce back from setbacks and challenges stronger than ever before. Imagine facing life's obstacles with confidence and grace, knowing that you have the resilience to overcome anything.

  • Cultivate Joy and Optimism:

Embrace a positive mindset and find joy in the everyday moments. Picture yourself living life to the fullest, with a sense of optimism and gratitude for all that you have.

you are here to create, joy and love

Curious about the impact of program?

‘’I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with Velta. She possesses a remarkable energy that is both uplifting and inspiring. Throughout her guidance in the breathing sessions, I have experienced a profound sense of rejuvenation and clarity.Velta’s innate ability to ignite motivation and install a renewed sense of propose has been invaluable to me. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking personal growth and transformation’’.

Līva Rēdliha

Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star

Five Stars for trust!

Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star

"Velta’s rebirthing breathing sessions offer a transformative journey for those willing to delve into self - exploration, take ownership of their lives, and embrace positive transformation. Her heartfelt approach and attention to each participant create a nurturing environment for growth. I felt valued and supported, and her guidance empowered me to embrace positive change. Highly recommend for anyone ready to embark on a journey of self - love.’’

Elīna Berga

Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star

love it !

"Curiosity led me to try rebirthing breathwork, despite my initial skepticism. The session was emotional but enlightening, helping me understand my emotions better. I'm grateful for the experience, as it has boosted my confidence, taught me to handle my feelings, and accept my past. Rebirthing breathwork is a powerful tool that everyone should try at least once to discover its transformative potential. I highly recommend it to all, as it can lead to mind-blowing realizations about oneself."

Damian Neupauer

Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star
Solid Star

Five Stars for Quality!

Have any more questions before you commit?


reach out or schedule 15 min call with me to find that last missing piece.

you'll unlock your

full potential and

create the life

you've always

dreamed of.

the only time is now